Flamin’ Cocktail Glasses

Here at Gin & Juice, we are beyond excited to be the first specialist in the cocktail industry to bring you everythin’ you need to make your flamin’ cocktails. You will be the envy of all your friends as you become the hostess with the mostess at every event you host. You can’t beat a bit of one-upmanship with the neighbours, so here’s your chance to become top of the leader board. And there’s Mrs Brown thinking her super turbo ride-on mower would keep her up there in first place. Not today Mrs Brown, today it’s all about the flamin’ cocktails. Don’t worry, once all your friends and neighbours have bought the kit, we have plenty more to impress the socks off them.
CONTENTS: 2 cocktail glasses, 2 tealight candles. Some kits will contain replacement tealight candles at random to thank you for your loyalty.
HOW TO USE: Fill the cocktail glasses with your cocktail mix (try our Limited Edition Cocktail Shaker at a discount of 1% if purchased at the same time. Use CODE IFEELLUCKY at the checkout). Tease the wick out of the candle carefully until it is in an upright position. Find a source to light the candles, any matches or lighters will do, and light. There you have it, exclusive Gin & Juice flamin’ cocktails.
DISCLAIMER: Any burns incurred while using your flamin’ cocktail kit will not be claimable against Gin & Juice under section 42 of the consumer health & safety act of 2022.